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SOUND BATH w/ guided meditation (SEPT)

Himalayan Singing Bowls - Sound Bath - in style of Peter Hess

40 US dollars
613 Ridgely Avenue (Studio), Annapolis, MD 21401

Service Description

This is WellsviewCare's monthly special  "Sound Bath and Meditation" with Venetia Bailey of Gentle Touch of Sound. Bring your own mat/pillow/blanket if you like to rest on the floor. We also offer 'zero-gravity' reclining chairs too, if you prefer.  Come listen and be amazed how your nerves can be reset and relieved of holding patterns and tensions with the sound of her "Peter Hess" singing bowls. Let's be kind to ourselves and each other as we make our recoveries from the past months of another pandemic winter. Let's honor the invitation to turn inward, and practice some quietness with these soft bowls in this Spring season.  Space is limited - Reserve your place today! We look forward to seeing you at the monthly Sound Baths. A gentle meditative tool in a small group environment, the singing bowls promote relaxation and calm, and we incorporate a guided meditation to start. The soft intention vibrates throughout the space encouraging calmness and can assist with opening up to deeper clarity and new perspectives. The resonance of sound offers deep relaxation while inspiring wellness and happiness benefits through the body’s own network of self-healing.  Sound meditation can be experienced lying down, sitting on the floor, or upright in a chair. We will gather safely and spread ourselves distanced in our beautiful studio space. Please bring your own yoga mat and/or blankets/pillows etc. to "nest" for this live sound event. (Our state-of-the-art air cleaning systems will be silently working alongside us too. ) Note: If you are a Wellsview Practitioner - Your discounted rate is: $25/session. Please call to make your reservation. In these challenging times we turn no one away for financial reasons. If you can't afford this event and would like to participate, please call 410-266-5608 and reserve your space. We suggest you make a donation of your choosing to the Center's "Gold Box" next time you are in or at the time of the event. We look forward to seeing you at Wellsview.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

(410) 266-5608

611 Ridgely Ave, Annapolis, MD 21401, USA 611 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD, USA

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