A Meditative Walk
...& Time to be with others too this Wintertime. Open every night, from Dusk through 9pm. Dec 1 - Mar 1.
Register on the Skills Academy/Calendar Page. Donations accepted for Hospice of the Chesapeake this year!
Look in your coat closet! Do you have a coat to donate? Wellsview is collaborating with One Warm Coat and gathering coats for local non profits so no one goes cold this winter.
(With FireMaster, The WE Herb Shop & other facilities open.)
Solstice December 21, 2024 4 - 9pm
Solstice Celebration Event. Learn more on Calendar/Skills Page.
Sunday, January 5, 2025 4-8pm Celebrating Kings Day w/ some Spanish Traditions
Thursday, January 16, 2025 6-8pm
Celebrating Hospice of the Chesapeake!
A special joint celebration - for those who have gone before us!
Saturday February 1, 2025 4 - 9pm (Celebrating Chinese New Year)
Saturday, February 22, 2025 6- 9PM
Last labyrinth/fire gathering of the season.
Follow our calendar for changes and additional gatherings to come.
The Labyrinth of Light at Wellsview is a community project in the making. Come join us and click on the links to the events to the left on this page. The lighted path is a meditation walk for helping us stay grounded and centered through the darkness of the Winter season especially. Bring a friend. Walk gently and at your own risk of course! Let's practice careful mindful steps. Be sure to check out the lighted sign board at the start of the walk for more information. Here's a pdf of the meditation and additional guidance for a Labyrinth visit
About Labyrinths:
Labyrinths have been used for centuries by humans across the globe. In all their varied shapes, sizes and designs, they serve as metaphors for our spiritual paths. The commonly-used spirals and gentle folds that follow back on themselves remind us of how life can be like that! It is rarely a linear journey. Labyrinths are a creative meditative tool of discovery, inspiration, comfort and solace. It can be a tool for problem-solving and support personal decision-making. It can be calming and quieting, centering and mysterious too. At Wellsview we think it can grow community and friendships.
This year, we dedicate this labyrinth to our local community and the world. We walk for peace and an end to brutality and violence everywhere in this world. We walk for all in pain, grief and sorrow. We walk to honor the paths of beloveds who have gone before, by walking this one.
May this walk be an opportunity to bless lives with thanksgiving and light. We are reminded of former Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's (1895-1979) quote from his days on TV so many years ago -- In the connectedness of life....
"So long as there are poor,
I am poor.
So long as there are prisons,
I am a prisoner.
So long as there are sick,
I am weak.
So long as there is ignorance,
I must learn the truth.
So long as there is hunger,
I am famished.
So long as there is hate,
I must love."
At Wellsview we also celebrate what is yet to be! The Labyrinth is a path forward too. May we come together, set intentions, plan effective actions for a better tomorrow and new year coming in oneness. If we visualize better days and ‘walk the walk,’ we are confident the path will unfold before us for our actions — just like along the labyrinth tonight!
There is no charge to walk the Labyrinth. Wellsview collects donations to offset the expenses of the installation and will donate a percentage of proceeds received from labyrinth donations (in the special box on the tree and through the WE Venmo Account) to:
Hospice of the Chesapeake
For their committed work with our local friends and families as they are transforming from this physical place we know, to our hearts places, beyond our knowing.
Thank you for your contributions toward this great cause.
Bring your own private event to the Labyrinth. Make a greater donation and learn about our special tier benefits too. It is a wonderful opportunity for a for special winter gathering. With your tiered donation we are able to reserve your evening and schedule your private event with our FireMaster, the WE Herb Shop Cafe & even offer elegant catered options in our beautiful studio space too. Call for more information and learn about our tiered donation levels!
Cautions and Invitations:
Of course as in life, it is all a game of risks. We all walk at our own risk tonight. Please know there are bumps and rough spots along the path. It is important to be very careful with your steps. It is best to stay in the middle of the path and have a flashlight with you. Walk slowly. (No running obviously).
During our events, in the off-chance of a brief power failure while in the labyrinth, please stay right where you are, and the lights will be back on momentarily. For everyone's safety, please do not try to move around in the dark. During events, we intend to have volunteer helpers to assist you back if it comes to that. In such cases we invite us all to take a few lovely breaths and smile as we fix the situation. Thank you.